Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Salt Dough Crown of Thorns ~ Ash Wednesday

We made a Crown of Thorns out of a Salt Dough Recipe

It was pretty easy, except we rolled out ropes
 to braid a wee bit long initially,
the kids laughed about how Jesus
 would have to have been a giant to have worn it!
But with a bit of water added, we I redid our ropes for a more appropriate size!

Turned out pretty cool!


4 c. flour
1 c. salt

Mix flour and salt. Mix enough water to make a stiff clay. (A little warmth helps dissolve the salt.) Knead until smooth to remove any air bubbles. Roll three long ropes and loosely braid them. Form braid into a circle and stick toothpicks loosely throughout the entire crown.  Bake at 350° F for an hour or until it is dry and light brown.

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